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The term aphorism originates from late Latin aphorismus and Greek aphorismos. https://strekatilo294.com Both sayings highlight the benefits of waking up early. It originally read, Count not they chickens that unhatched be… Examples of Aphorism in Politics Picture of Benjamin Franklin and a caption that says "Aphorist Extraordinaire" Interestingly enough, this saying was initially intended as a compliment. Now you might be asking. As they say, Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Curiosity killed the cat. Your wish is my command. You get up and keep trying. Opportunities don’t happen. Aphorism Examples in Everyday Speech Interestingly enough, this saying was initially intended as a compliment. search bar with "what use aphorism." written Ready to Use These Aphorism Examples In Your Writing.

Био-лайн – новый медицинский центр в Донецке, создан по современным стандартам и включает в себя полный спектр лечебно-диагностических услуг, лабораторной и инструментальной диагностики. Собственная лаборатория клиники, с которой начиналась история медицинского центра, дает возможность проводить более тысячи клинических, биохимических, иммунологических, генетических и морфологических исследований. Функциональная диагностика включает электрокардиографию и все виды УЗИ с возможностью биопсии. Клиника оснащена современными эндоскопами, предназначенными для обследования в урологии, гинекологии и проктологии.

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They’re written in countless books and passed down as folk wisdom. https://strekatilo294.com Do you believe that a penny saved is a penny earned. Examples of Aphorisms for Success Take a look. This is especially true if the excuse is a lie. He once stated, If you want a thing done well, do it yourself. But these days. Ready to Use These Aphorism Examples In Your Writing. Too many times to count, right. But, the aphorism is short and sweet. Another success aphorism comes from Chris Grosser. Another example comes from Spider-Man, where Uncle Ben turns to Peter Parker and says, With great power comes great responsibility. This is especially true if the excuse is a lie. Finally, Actions speak louder than words is another classic example. search bar with "what use aphorism." written Give it a try!